Monday, August 24, 2009

August -- Oh boy!

August: Ooofta!

This month has been crazy busy. Between our Marriage Matters(a small group at our church), baby, car shopping and family I am one pooped girl.

So, how about some details? Okay...

This month we are in charge of our monthly married couples event which in and of itself is not that exhausting but you add on extra meetings, making customized flyers and remaking and remaking those customized flyers and all the other details of event planning and you find yourself a bit overwhelmed. Of course if this was the only addition to our regular activities we would be fine.

Next comes the car selling/car buying we've been doing. See, I drive... er, drove a 1999 Ford Mustang GT. I live in Minnesota. I have a baby coming. Those three things do not play well together.

So, we decided to sell my beautiful green baby and get me an SUV (which I love!). That was fun! We ended up dropping our asking price for my car dramatically, then selling it to a guy from Wisconsin who wanted me to drop it even more. Then an hour or so after he heads back to Wisconsin he calls to tell us he's broken down. Some belt or something snapped and he overheated it and all this craziness. Well, what does he expect us to do? We didn't know that would happen. How could we? So after three days of many many calls from this really annoying (sorry!) guy he finally leaves us alone.

Next comes buying me a car which needs to be done asap because oops! I don't have a backup car to get to work in while I'm looking. Thankfully I found my wonderfully wonderful Jeep Grand Cherokee. :) But then came talking to the bank and the dealer and working out the details. Thankfully, that is complete and I am enjoying my lovely suv (equipped with GPS, remote start and quite large sunroof! Yay!).

Next up: My brother and brother-in-law both leaving to join the Air Force! Of course we wanted to spend time with them before they head off for months and months! That was busy and sad.

Finally, discovering that I am again doing the work of three people because my wonderful employers decide to fire the perfectly wonderful assistant I had finally gotten trained.

And, all the little details like trying to get help for our mortgage, trying to support my husband in his interests and trying to find time for fellowship with friends and like I said... August: Ooofta!

And that is my semi-update on why I have not blogged.

For now, adios. (Go take a nap... I think we both need it!)

1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful! I love your transparancy :) Sounds like you have had an extremely busy schedule ... no wonder you're busy!!

