Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Really Good Morning

This was a great morning. I have been running behind most days (more like every day but you know...) and so I keep planning on getting up earlier. You know, so I'm not running through the house in my underwear and a sweater searching for pants while trying to put makeup on without a mirror....

Today my wonderful amazing fabulous and incredibly handsome husband helped. He had to get up around 6:00 to go help his old boss move. I just love waking up to a nice cozy warm bed with a little bit of light peeping under the door and smelling that wonderfully sexy man smell and knowing that the love of my life is right there.

I woke up slowly this morning (by slowly I mean I laid in bed for a few minutes instead of jumping up and started the frantics) just enjoying the morning. Then I got up. Talked to that same wonderful man and got ready slowly. (Notice how much I enjoyed the "slowly's" Then had breakfast, read our devotional, took out the trash and hopped into my Jeep. And to complete the nice morning: A wonderful prayer time with my Lord. And finally I arrived at work a whole half hour early after hitting no traffic whatsoever.

So, today is a good day. A day I am wanting to repeat. I think I will get up early tomorrow. And enjoy my morning. This just might change my whole days. It's been awhile since I have felt this enthusiastic about my day!

So, I know my posts are incredibly deep or super interesting but it's not like I have five hundred followers to entertain. ;)

Is there something simple in your life that has changed your outlook or just really made you feel happy? Something like a really good morning that deserves to be repeated or maybe just something someone said that really impacted you? I'd love to hear what it is...


Is there some smell or surrounding that makes you feel completely safe and comforted?

Let me know. :) And enjoy your day!