Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Well, I'm not much of a blogger it seems...

It's me, I'm back! Sort of. I used to be a good blogger. I blogged most days and checked back often. When I decided to start this blog I thought it'd be easy to get right back into. However, as you may have noticed, I completely forgot about it! So, while I like the idea of blogging we'll see how it plays out. You may just get a yearly update. :P

So, Peyton (yes we had a boy!) is now nine months old! Wow! It's so crazy to me to say/think about that! When they say that those early months/years go by fast you don't realize how fast! He has four adorable teeth he likes to grind right now. Michael thinks he's getting two more but I'm not sure about that. He walks. He actually started walking right after the eight month mark. It's so strange to look behind me and see him following me into the kitchen. :P Oh and one of my favorites! He started saying mama the day before yesterday! He's been able to say dada for about three months now and so this was something I was looking forward to! :) It's so sweet!

This morning we just sat and watched the price is right together. That was wonderful since he usually he isn't much of a cuddler. (Who am I kidding, much? He rarely lets me hug him! He's so independent!)

Motherhood is something I always said I never wanted, then wanted desperately, then didn't think I was ready for, then surprise! You're going to be a mommy! And now, well I couldn't be happier! There are no words to describe how wonderful it is! Well, there might be I probably just don't have the vocabulary to express them. :P

On another note, we're selling our house. And, moving in with mom and dad! Thanks Mom! ;) While we really enjoy our place we have decided that we need to make some changes to have a more sound financial future. It's been a struggle these past couple years and I'm really tired of struggling. If we move in with my parents we'll be able to be debt free in a year and a half and have a nice savings for any future emergencies. I cannot tell you how amazing that sounds! It's like I have a huge weight crushing me, making it hard to breathe and there's someone coming to pry it off me. I can almost feel my lungs filling with fresh air and it feels amazing! I'm so thankful for my parents being so sweet and allowing us to come in and complicate (not to mention crowd) their already busy/full home.

As fall begins (okay it started a couple weeks ago, but whatever) I feel like it's ushering in a new period in our lives and I'm more than okay with that. Sometimes when I think about the upcoming changes and the possible difficulties that may arise I get a little nervous (who doesn't when big changes are around the corner?) but I have a peace about it that reminds me it's okay. And that we'll be okay. I guess overall that has been the lesson of the past five years. Things are going to be okay. Regardless of the moment and how wrong things feel. Things will be okay. :)